John Mounier
Education: BFA Film, New York University, Class of 2000
For more information about Director John Mounier, go to: www.johnmounier.com
John Mounier: Filmmaker
Somehow, I learned early on the power of the narrative. It’s a skill I’ve honed through years as a documentary filmmaker, television director and social media content creator.
When we think about things that have happened to us, in our mind’s eye, we hit on images, tastes, smells, touches and emotions. We use narratives to form memories that end up shaping who we become, how we think of ourselves. When I make a film, I try and spend as much time as I can with my subject, using my camera to capture those images and emotions, weaving together a film that ends up being what I see when I look at a person. My work reflects this approach. I enjoy the process of getting to know someone and helping him or her find the narrative that will bring something positive.